Hypnotherapist Practitioner Certification Training (Approved by the American Board of Hypnotherapy)

Even if you're not a therapist, you'll want to learn this because . . .  


 "All successful communication is hypnosis."

Milton Erickson, M.D.


Who Should Attend This Training

Whether you are . . .

. . . a therapist, professional communicator (a copywriter, teacher, trainer, public speaker, lawyer, salesperson, advertiser creative director, or public relations specialist)

. . . a health professional (doctor, nurse, dentist, chiropractor, nutritionist, acupuncturist, or massage therapist)

. . . a coach, counselor, therapist or consultant of any type

. . . in the performance arts (actor, director, comedian, or musician)

     . . .  a network marketer

. . . or you'd simply like to be more successful your relationships (with your boss, spouse, or children),

. . . this course is for you!


Why You Should Attend This Training

Would you like to learn how to quickly, easily, and naturally . . . 

  • Gain other people's full attention so they will listen to you?
  • Bypass other people's critical judgment of what you say so you can get your point across?
  • Stimulate other people's motivation to take positive action?
  • Influence and persuade others with integrity in any situation?
  • Help others achieve rapid, positive life changes?

Even if you're not a poor communicator, you can learn to communicate more effectively through this course. 

Hi, I'm Steve Ethridge.  

I've studied successful communication most of my life. I have a Master's Degree in Communication and four decades of experience as a communication consultant and researcher. I've helped major corporations, nonprofits, and political candidates break unprecedented records in their marketing and communication returns on investment. 

I thought I knew just about everything there was to know about how to communicate successfully. 

That is, until I learned the information in this training course.

Then I began to achieve a whole new level of communication success in every area of life, personally and professionally. 

More importantly, as I began to learn how to communicate in a way that will help others achieve positive, life-changing results, I realized that, because "to whom much is given, much is required," I had to share this knowledge and skill with others.

I've spent a small fortune on learning everything I could about what makes communication successful, in any context. But I'm making this training available to you for less than 1% of what I've invested. 

As a world-class trained and Board Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, I've packaged this training in a way that is easy, quick, and affordable for you to learn.

No matter what your reasons are for wanting to communicate more successfully, this course will definitely help you communicate with others in a way that you will get the results you want! 

As well, no matter how you plan to use this training, you will become a Certified Practitioner of Hypnotherapy. This means:

  • If you are not already a therapist or coach, you will be able to use your new credential to begin a new profitable career, either part time or full time. Hypnosis is one of the fastest growing professions around the globe because more people are becoming aware of its uses.
  • If you are already a therapist or coach, your new credential will add a valuable set of techniques and skills that you will be able to use to help your clients achieve deep, lasting positive change. You will also be able to add a new set of services and income to your your practice.

What's This Training Is Really About 

While this training is presented mainly from the perspective of therapeutic application, the skills you will learn are applicable to all types of communication. 

Dr. Milton Erickson, quoted above, was a Medical Doctor Psychiatrist who influenced the American Medical Association to approve Hypnosis as a legitimate treatment by a trained practitioner. He is well known for helping people overcome mental and physical health challenges by using a type of communication that has become known as Cooperative/Conversational Hypnosis.

The principles of his approach are now becoming widely used in all types of professional and interpersonal communication, with high integrity (because it's cooperative), ranging from teaching and other modes of public speaking to coaching, sales, advertising, relationships, and more.

While it has taken several decades since Dr. Erickson's death in 1980 for his methods to become widely known, in recent years many of the most successful communication professionals have been using his language patterns to create effective communication of all types, including top performing television ads, national speakers, and therapeutic uses.

In Ancient Greece and Rome, the great orators learned and taught how to speak in ways that would move their audiences to action through the power of words and word pictures. Thus, in some respects, what Dr. Erickson has achieved with his methods are nothing new. What is called "Hypnosis" today has been around in public discourse for a very long time. Yet, Dr. Erickson developed a completely new approach to succeeding in communication.

In order for you to learn how to use Dr. Erickson's approach to communication, you will benefit from learning the foundation on which it was built. That foundation is what today is called Hypnosis.

In this course you will learn the following to help you become a better communicator in every area of your life.

  • The History of Hypnosis -- From its ancient origins to modern hypnosis, including how the American Medical Association was led to conclude that "Hypnosis is a legitimate treatment by a trained practitioner."
  • The Fundamentals of Ericksonian Hypnosis -- Dr. Milton  Erickson, M.D., the medical doctor who succeeded at getting the American Medical Association to accept Hypnosis as a legitimate treatment, was the most famous hypnotherapist who ever lived.  In this training, you will learn how to do Erickson's Three Stages of the Utilization Approach that will help you prepare your client (or yourself) for trance, do trance work, and then evaluate and ratify the therapeutic change that takes place.
  • Patterns of Indirect Suggestion -- You will learn the 14 Patterns of Indirect Suggestion and how to use them to communicate to your client's unconscious mind in to help them achieve the change that they desire 
  • Pre-Talk Preparation for Trance -- Learn what to say before begin formal trance, to explain what hypnosis is, what it isn't; what they should expect trance to feel like; and alleviate any potential misconceptions or fears about hypnosis.
  • Stages of Hypnosis -- Learn the different stages and depths of trance, how to assist your client in achieving each stage, and how to recognize which stage of trance your client is in.  These include Arm Catalepsy, Smell and Taste Changes, Number Block, Amnesia, Analgesia (No Pain), Automatic Movement, Partial Hallucinations, Anesthesia (no feelings).
  • Suggestibility Tests -- Learn how to test how suggestable a client is, and in the process, help them to go into trance quickly and easily.
  • Ericksonian Inductions -- Experience Erickson's cooperative approach by learning two powerful Ericksonian Inductions that you will be able to use to conversationally help your clients go into trance. 
  • Ideomotor Signaling -- Learn how to set up and utilize micro-muscle signals and gain cooperation from the deepest part of the client's Unconscious Mind to get in touch with its blueprint of perfect health and healing, to assist clients in restoring their minds and bodies to be as healthy as possible.  

Additionally, there will be two books to read on state-of-the art hypnosis before you attend the training.

You can complete this training either through one of our live, in-person classes, online (Zoom) classes, or through our distance education hybrid approach where you do a portion of the course online at your own pace and a portion by interacting with your trainer either remotely over Zoom or in person, depending on your location.

To find out more, click here to book an appointment with your trainer,  Dr. Steven C. Ethridge.